Reward offered

read this, stare at the babe in the picture,,30000-13203152,00.html

and then realise that that laptop just became the best in the world. I’ll give the person who has it my car, right now :wink:


She said the worst things to “get it back”

“i lost my laptop, it has tons of nude picutres of my hot self, and a lot of other limited edditon picutres of me. Will you please give it back?”

I would have said…

“I lost my laptop, it doesn’t have much of improtance on it, but I would like it back none the less. I will give you some money too if you give it to me!”


I wonder how long it takes before they’re on the net …

race you to google :lol:

lol… that thief hit the jackpot :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

“There was also some pretty racy stuff in the pictures, such as Jen changing her bikini.” :drool:

Grah! The article won’t load! :m:

[size=1]Although I’m already pretty sure what you guys are talking about here :hugegrin: [/size]

**Edit: it loaded :love: **

yeah some trouble with the sky site I think. If you can’t get it to load…keep trying, it’s worth it :thumb:

ah just another bimbo that looks like that Spears bimbo. Blonds, blah.


Sorry Gary you seem like a nice guy but you must die.
The Kirupa crack squad has been deployed and you shall now suffer a painful and violent end, sorry about that. Have a nice day :beam:

She’s beautiful! (looks a little like baby spice though, only better ;))

Who is she exactly? I have never heard of her.

Shes from Liverpool and I think she’s 19. She used to be a soap star in a british soap called Brookside. However she left the show & then it got cancelled. She kind of vanished for a while until she was in a reality show this year called Hells Kitchen.

10 celebrities entered a kitchen in a working restaurant with one bad tempered chef who soon whipped them into a functioning kitchen staff. (Actually this is the only reality show I enjoyed cause some of the celebs stormed off cause the chef was so insulting & bad tempered). Viewers phoned in and voted someone out every other day and the last celeb was the winnner. She won. Since then she’s got kind of famous again.

She’s in Chicago on the Londons west end and will be in the Phantom of the Opera movie soon as well.

And just think now somewhere is a picture of her changing her bikini :love:

Must be a hefty reward.

I dont think I would easily part with nudie pics of her :beam: :thumb:

Holy Crap- She is gorgeus! People will never learn if you take the shots you develop them and then distroy them…you never hang on to them…EVER

if she had a good laptop noone will be abled to view the pictures.

oh man McGiver don’t ruin my fantasy, I’m hoping the thief posts them on the net…lets not be negative

mind you it could all be a publicity stunt

hey, maybe the thief stole the laptop while it was still on :thumb:

Or maybe he didn’t know who he was stealing it from, formatted the harddrives to be able to sell it again,

and he’s now somewhere, severely banging his head against a wall.


For Sure :lol: