Rio SP-90

Hey, does anyone have a Rio SP-90 CD/MP3 player here? I need some help.

Alrit, I have the most recent 2.20 firmware upgrade on my SP90, it works PERFECT!!!..i burned it on a cd from an iso file, so didn’t have any problems. Three things

  1. Is there a way to change or remove the little gay dancers on the bottom?

  2. Is it possible to have a game on the cd player?

  3. Whats this iRiver thing? What does it do?

ipod, ipod, ipod ,ipod…

ipods are 2 mac-ish

Creative Jukebox Zen ‘The world of music’ ;D


*Originally posted by mariofan *
**ipod, ipod, ipod ,ipod… **

Mmmm… iPod.

I’m so getting one as soon as the next update arrives!

someone hav sp90?lol

no, i would recomment the jukebox zen

Rio is not really good

heehee, iPods kick so much ***. get one. even if it costs an arm and a leg. it’s the simplicity that counts.

Buy a Jukebox Zen, Firewire is awesome fast…

ok…i’m done here…:frowning: