Robot Battle Rules

Theme: A robot (just an image, no game, no prog, no Flash) WITH A SUPER WEAPON
Software: Anything you want, 2D, 3D, MS paint, C++, Sql…
Date: 03/01/2003
Participants: Mariofan, Soul, Fade-away, Ribcage, probably Eilsoe, me and Anybody else

Original thread:

Can I try please? Add me. :slight_smile:

<- has never been in a battle. :sleep:

what about the size? shall we do what we want?
800 x 600 anyone?


Any size, its a loose battle…

  • Soul :goatee:

Exactly :slight_smile: And don’t worry if you’re not on the list, as long as you provide something, you’re in.

pom, this looks fun so i guess count me in. I’ll TRY key word TRY to have something.

i have some kwesjuns:

  1. Can I Enter This Battle? (purdy please?)
  2. Can the robot be like hand drawn, scanned in, and edited, or does it have to be made all in a program?
  3. I forgot my other question, but feel free to answer it if you remember what it is?

thanks a lot

eggs eggs vee eye eye eye

  1. Yes.
  2. Hand made is fine. :slight_smile:
  3. Probably 3 and a half. Every week, of course.

pom :tie:

thanks a lot… ill attempt to get somethin in… but i have to go back to stupid school tomorrow
thanks again

Aha! I’m finally getting somewhere. He will be a cross between Goldorak, a Mechawarrior and Phil Jayhan. Scary stuff ahead, boys.

Count me in. Sounds like a fun battle :pope:

maybe I should start working on mine? lol.