

I was wondering if anyone here has had any experience with robotics or building robots. I am interested in getting into it as a hobby and I did some research and found a few books that look like they will be a big help in getting started. I know that none of this is easy and that I’m in for a struggle, but its something that I’ve always been interested in.

So anyone have any experience?

Jubs :cowboy:

in the uk there was a robotics magazine helping you build a mini robot the best way is to either find out what you want the robot to do. OR you just gotta find a project and just stick to it.

It’s hard sometimes to build you own design robot you need alot of things and tools :).

yeah, tools are the problem. I have no problem designing it either. Its just that I’ve never actually built anything that I have designed. I just think it will be fun to put my imagination to work.
Robot On.
Voice Command: Clean House


Well for a start just sketch some ideas and write down materials and tools needed and then base ur ideas round the tools and materials you can afford / can get.

While I have no personal exp with robotics, one of my friends is a robotics tech. I am sure I could find out some info from him if you need it. =)


get any books you find at your local library about model cars and model airplanes… they cover a lot of topics on the electronics involved in making a robot of any kind :slight_smile:

Watch Battlebots for ideas on Comedy Central. I think thats only in the US though, not sure about Europe.


MIT does a lot with robotics…

maybe someone you know might actually be close to there…



I have some friends whos children are right into Lego’s Bionics… You can make some quite complex little toys with this… As a hobby this would be worth looking into… As said before it can get quite expensive with the tooling required to make from scratch…

Or maybe Mechano (sp)??


Hey Jubba

Here is an interesting link for robot kits and I’m sure I’ve seen recommended books for beginners. I have always wanted to look into building my own robots, then I saw Matrix and feared for humanity. If one day I look up to the sky and see only the black scorched stratosphere , one word will escape as but a whisper…Jubba

Anyway good luck with the link:

Lol, if androids starts to turn up on my front yard, I’m hunting you down Jubba.


nah, I dont want to mess with AI, I just want to make something that I can remote control around and make it pick stuff up. Like I said this is just something that I want to do to play around, pass time, and waste money. :wink:

eh, Thats not really what I’m looking for. I actually want to construct everything myself. A lego set would just not have the same fulfillment.