Hey all,
For my school graduation (12th year in highschool in Canada), I have to create something to enter a Science Fair with. 4 out of the 6 categories are biological stuff, which I plainly dislike. One was engineering of software/hardware. Software is… not really anything in a Science fair competition; so I can’t really do anything with that. So i thought of making a robot of some kind…
But how hard is it to make one? I’ve learned the basics of electricity/magnetism stuff in physics… i’m sure I can find some resources about making one, but would it take a lot of time? This is due in February, I’ve got 5 months. Hopefully, the bot can… move, and be remote controlled. I’ve seen many guys on TV making robots for a living; they make a really nice, pro one, in 2 years, which sort of scares me.
Anybody have any idea? I might sound crazy, i watch too much TV i guess. Or any ideas on what I should make/research for this science fair?
Thanks :afro: :cap: