ROFL. Is this totally Retarded or What?

Alright so I should be working on other things but I’m having too much fun screwing around with this stuff. I’m throwing together some wallpapers for and here’s the latest one I came up with. I think it’s a riot :stuck_out_tongue: [SIZE=1]but still kinda cool[/SIZE]. <<<<nerd. It’s more just for fun then actual use unless you guys actually like (I’m not countin’ my chickens though :slight_smile:


that’s one helluva load of twins…

[size=1]feel sorry for the poor hosehound that popped those out.[/size]

i actually like it except for the half-face on the right. take that out and I honestly think you have a winner.

lol. I don’t know why but I’m really getting a kick out of these. :evil2:

yea the half face wasn’t supposed to be there. I accidentally flattened the image and then saved it.

I can’t wait to show my friend. I’m sure he’ll find it as funny as I do.

Eeeehhhh… looks quirky to me. I think something that would be fun is if you made the main guy more prominent. Make him regular and then make his duplicates look like cardboard cutouts.

Awesome idea simplistik! I think I’ll do that.

Yea quirky was the word I was looking for.

< reality setting in >
Crap I don’t think I can waste anymore time today on this.
< end reality >

I wish that was Jenna Jameson… :drool:

are these you?

Cool but doesn’t look like a crowd actually when u take a closer look cuz some of the smaller ones are taller and in front of bigger and shorter ones :stuck_out_tongue:

Anyway… cool pic

here’s another one. started out going for cardboard cutout look.

No that’s not me.

Hehe, I like these :thumb:

that ones pretty cool… though Id mess abit with the effect you have on the cutouts faces, something just isn quite right. I like how you have them just go black and straight down in the front, real puppet feel with that!

I like it alot real grungy and original.

nice! love the style!

Keep it up!

LoL… now that’s fun. Man I’m BRILLANT… j/k. Anyway, the problem w/ the cardboard cutout look is that bevel or plastic wrap thing you’ve got going on his face… doesn’t really need that. Keep workin on it… you’ll get it.

Looks like a big cult meeting.
Nice going!