Alright so I should be working on other things but I’m having too much fun screwing around with this stuff. I’m throwing together some wallpapers for and here’s the latest one I came up with. I think it’s a riot [SIZE=1]but still kinda cool[/SIZE]. <<<<nerd. It’s more just for fun then actual use unless you guys actually like (I’m not countin’ my chickens though
Eeeehhhh… looks quirky to me. I think something that would be fun is if you made the main guy more prominent. Make him regular and then make his duplicates look like cardboard cutouts.
that ones pretty cool… though Id mess abit with the effect you have on the cutouts faces, something just isn quite right. I like how you have them just go black and straight down in the front, real puppet feel with that!
LoL… now that’s fun. Man I’m BRILLANT… j/k. Anyway, the problem w/ the cardboard cutout look is that bevel or plastic wrap thing you’ve got going on his face… doesn’t really need that. Keep workin on it… you’ll get it.