ROLL_OVER/ ROLL_OUT? Tween problem?

Hi, i’m working on a gallery made from 8 squares which move when i roll over anyone of them, and on roll out it have to go back to its original position.
I have a strange problem. It all began when i was trying to remove non smooth movement on roll out. It was becouse of the same time in tween on roll over and roll out but when user rolls out before the square will come to the final position, the square will have to move just ie. 10 pixels, in time, ie 2s. So its not smooth. So i calculate the time, so the movement would be smooth.
Everything ok but when i changed the time its not working like it should.

The code is simple. And i thought it should work. But when i roll out before end position, strange thing is happening. The square jumps to the end position. Anyone could help? :confused:

var moveTween:Tween;
test_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, in1);
test_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, out1);
var time:Number = 2;

function in1(e:MouseEvent):void {
        moveTween = new Tween(test_mc, "y", None.easeNone, test_mc.y, 260, time, true);

function out1(e:MouseEvent):void {
        moveTween = new Tween(test_mc, "y", None.easeNone, test_mc.y, 222.5, ((time*(test_mc.y-222.5))/37.5), true);

As attachment i include example file with one square made this way i made it in the gallery. And with the same error.
Btw. Strange thing is that the same error is when i use Caurina Tweener class…
Well, sorry for my english:/