Rolled a 299 tonight in bowling!

Yeah… My first real honor score since I left Youth league last year… I had a 299 game tonight…

The first 11 strikes and the last ball went into the pocket and left a solid 9 pin… What a pain in the ***…

Oh well… I gte a nifty looking ring and a cool plaque for this though :beam:

Me a happy Marlin :beam:

playamarz ~ :player:

at least you have a goal yet to acheive…



congrats! i never got a score any close to that :sure:…

holy cow thats not holy that little idle!
Good job man!

lmao… Thanks guys… Yeah I’m so happy right now… I’ve had like 6 280 games before… Just haven’t been able to make the next leap :slight_smile:

Congrats Marlin, so what else did you get besides a ring and a plaque? =)

I get a ring… A plaque that says I had 11 strikes ina row…

I get my name placed in the honor scores here for a local bowling alley…

I got $50 cash tonight cause I got in some high game pots the first game…

Let’s see… I’ll probably get some killer sex tonight from my gf…

lol… ****… Too bad she’s out of town… Just Kidding anyways :wink:

congrats marz. I’m a bowler myself, so I know how hard that is.

ALMOST got 1…or rather missed JUST 1. :wink:

lmao… Gotta hate that man… Being around Pennsylvania it’s hard not to bowl though huh man?

We should go bowling at the Hanover Bowling Centre sometime.

I went there just a few weeks ago actually. Random,
spur-of-the-moment idea my friend had. We went on a Friday at
10pm, and they had that Rock-nBowl or whatever, with the music
and lights and all. It was actually fun.

I haven’t bowled in years before that. Don’t even have my
bowling balls any longer. :frowning:

[size=1]pssst, marz! - I never claim to be from PA, I just live here.
I’m 100% Marylander at heart. ;)[/size]

lol… is there something wrong with us Pennsylvanians?! heheh…

BTW everyone… This is the picture of the ring an dplaque I will gte guys… It’s the ring wiht the black stone btw…

:beam: I can’t wait…

~ playamarz

awesome! congrats again. so cool.

PA is cool, or I wouldn’t come here. :slight_smile:

lmao… I don’t blame you though… I hate this state… Really… it’s boring :slight_smile:

Wow man - congrats!! That’s great :slight_smile:

When I was young I was in the YBC, youth bowling council here in my town. It was only 5 pin but still pretty darn fun :wink:

I cannot belive it came down to the last ball man… that’s terrible! What a feeling that must have been. You got some really cool stuff though - way to go dude high five

high five… Thanks bro :beam:…

Yeah… What a feeling is right… It’s gotta be a nerve racking one too :wink:

hehe… :beam:

~ playamarz

and its a good thing you didnt roll it lol. nah i am joking. congrats! i think i got like a 150 the last time i went!!!