Rollover button and loop frames in a different SWF file:

Hi all,

I’m new to flash and trying to figure this out.
I have two buttons and an swf file (a movie I created in After Effects). I want to do the following:
When the page loads I would like the swf file (the TV) the stay frozen on frame 1 (the picture of the child’s face).
When the mouse is rolled-over the “Home” button, I want the swf file (the TV) to play frames 2-59, and loop on these frames until the mouse is rolled-off the “Home” button. When the mouse rolls off of the “Home” button I want the swf file (the TV) to instantly go back to frame 1 and stay on frame 1 until the mouse rollsover another button. If the mouse rolls over the “Products” button, I want the TV to loop frames 60-109, and again instantly go back to frame 1 when the mouse is rolled-off the “Products” button.
I will use these buttons as a template, copy and paste them, so that I can easily make different segments of the TV play when different buttons are rolled-over.
Please take a look at the following fla file so you can see what I’ve done so far.
It can be downloaded at
The fla file is a little large (about 23 megs). Any help anyone can provide is greatly appreciated!

Thank you.