Sorry i am very newb at this, and i dont know where to look for an answer cos im not sure what im doing is called!
Anyway here it goes… all i want to do is rollover a button or box and text comes up next to it! like sort of an information box, or a button and u roll over it and the link name comes up !
Can anyone help me with a link to a basic tutorial? or even name to what im doing…
Create the text you want to appear at some point, convert it to a movieclip (Control+F8) and move it to where you would like it to appear. Also, give it an instance name in the property inspector, in this example, I’ll call it “hoverText”.
Enter the following actionscript in the first frame of your timeline…
hoverText._visible = false;
Now add the following code to the button or whatever it is you want to trigger the rollover effect…
on (rollOver) {
hoverText.visible = true;
on (rollOut) {
hoverText.visible = false;
For your intro text on the left, create a dynamic textbox by creating a textbox and selecting “dynamic” in the property inspector.
In the textfield’s properties, enter “introText” in the “var” field.
Next comes your little circles round the board’s wheel. The reason you got those errors is that you need to convert them to buttons (select them, hit F8, enter a name and select button). Next up…
Select one button, open up your actionscript window and type the following…
on (rollOver) {
_root.introText = "Enter your text for that area here!";
If it still isn’t working for you at this stage, upload your FLA and I’ll take a look.
its ok… um i dont know if i made myself clear tho… what i want to do is rollover the button… and then the “Intro” word within the wheel i want to make appear