Rollover Issue's must resolve by 3:00pm today!

Hey guys I am currently designing a flash site for a landscaping company and Im having some issues with my click and rollovers. First let me explain what im trying to achieve. On the main buttons I have a rollover where the buttons get larger and on the rollout slowly transition to their original size I have done this using movie clips with the rollover, rollout actions inside. Now this would work fine if thats all I wanted but on the click I want the buttons to play an animation I have specified on the main timeline. I have tried to put the actions for this on the movie clips with a

on (press) {gotoAndPlay(“aboutclick”);

Anyway with this code implemented neither one will work it wont play the framelabel aboutclick or do the rollover effect and for the life of me I cant figure out what to do.

Ah so if anybody could help me I would be so very appreciative since Im out of options I have included the flash file so you guys can see what I mean.
Thanks so much in advance.

Try this:[AS]on (press) {

thanks for the reply wizard but it didnt seem to do it.Here is the file so you guys can see what I mean.

Could you save it for FlashMX, not 2004?

It’s because you have a button above the movieclip to which you assigned the onPress. The button takes all the onPresses so your movieclips doesn’t get them. Remove the button on top and it’ll work.


I removed the button and it still doesnt work

here is the MX version

Thanks again guys

Get rid of the this in this.gotoAndPlay(“about_click”);

Hey Voetsjoeba
I took out the this and nothing still happens. But maybe Im missunderstanding what your trying to tell me as I explained the rollovers are just movie clips while the click actions reside on the main timeline with frame labels so I have the

on (press) {

on the actual movie clips but doing this makes it so nothing works

Oh I’ve got it all wrong ! My bad, I thought you wanted something else. D’oh :trout:

This should be it (hope I’m not mistaking again)

on (press) {

Voetsjoeba THANK YOU SO MUCH that worked beautifully the only thing that still doesnt work is the rollovers when I go over them they still dont do anything. But the click works perfect.
I hate to keep asking for your assistance but do you have any suggestions?

This is what you want I think:

on (press) {

Voetsjoeba thank you so much it works perfectly I wish I could help you out with something you really saved me man. Im sure it was really easy for you but thanks for taking the time. If you ever need anything or are in the Lake Tahoe area and want some free Heavenly tickets throw me an email.

You’re welcome :slight_smile: Too bad I live in Belgium, but I do appreciate it :smiley:

Ah suck well just in case something ever brings you over.
Thanks again

Wizard thanks for the help as well

Though I don’t know how helpful I ended up being, still, you are welcome. :thumb: