Anyone know how to create a rollover without using a button so that the hand icon does not appear. I need a rollover on a certain area of the screen but I want the pointer to stay as an arrow.
I think using ‘if (_ymouse<450)’ would work if i wanted the rollover to occur from 450 downwards on the screen but what if the area is a strip between 450 and 500?
sen you put “MovieClip.prototype.useHandCursor = false;” in there … I don’t understand why an mc would use the handcursor anyway. unless by putting that it doesn’t use the handcursor throughout the entire movie
For some reason . I can’t get this to work.
I have a rollover movie clip inside another movie that I don’t want the mouse pointer to show.
Does this code go on the movie clip itself or on it’s own layer?
I tried both, but didn’t work.