Hi, folks,
i am trying to rotate some dynamic text and nothing was being displayed.
I did some research before posting, and i found out that u have to embed the font before rotating…
I did that and still nothing. Actually when i pass my mouse on the screen i see the cursor change when on top of the text… but i still can’t see nothing…
And, worse, when i just put the embed (whitout the rotation) the text disapear…
any help around?
Here’s my piece of code:
createTextField(“pct_txt”, 3, 450, 400, 200, 200);
pct_txt.embedFonts = true;
pct_txt._rotation = 90;
var tf:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
tf.align = “center”;
tf.size =30;
tf.font = “_sans”;
tf.bold = true;
tf.color = 0xffffff;