Unable to view text in my textfield

I am able to rotate my textfield dynamically but my text has disappeared even though i have embeded the font and color.
here is the code

some_tf = new TextFormat();
some_tf.font = “myVerdana”;
some_tf.size = 24;

tfNewfield.text = “here comes the text”;
tfNewfield.border = true;
tfNewfield.embedFonts = true
tfNewfield._rotation = 90;

Please help!!!
Thanks in Advance

Load the font you want to use in your library (go to “New Font” in your library)
Then in your library click on “Linkage”, choose export in first frame and for the id fill in “myVerdana”. Then it will work:pleased:

edit/ Or make a txtfield “offstage” with the verdana and embed that one, then it will also work /edit
