hi. anyone knows how to make those rotating circle? like those in
it looks really cool!
hi. anyone knows how to make those rotating circle? like those in
it looks really cool!
Why don’t you contact Chris Gardener and ask him how he did it?
This is the second time I have responded after
electrongeek ( who seems to be emotionally frustrated )
has posted a useless response.
This is not so intimidating as it seems.
Flash is BOTH art and science.
You will need to have an understanding of both before you can attempt this kind of site.
What exactly is so useless about electrongeeks post?
The absolute best way to figure out how a person created an effect is to ask that person themself.
Because you are not addressing the issue, you are avoiding it.
Well the issue is that he wants to create the exact effect on that site.
The best way to figuring out the exact effect used on that site would be to contact the person who created the effect. They would be able to tell you how they did it.
Just like when people ask what font is used on sites, we can take shots in the dark, but the author of the site knows for sure.
Lol, Rynoe that is funny, would you care to show wealoon how to combine art and science to create this Flash effect?
If wealoon wants to create that effect then what better way then ask the original creator?
*Originally posted by rynoe *
**This is the second time I have responded after
electrongeek ( who seems to be emotionally frustrated )
has posted a useless response.
This is not so intimidating as it seems.
Flash is BOTH art and science.
You will need to have an understanding of both before you can attempt this kind of site. **
^ useless response
wow, guess I hit a nerve here
*Originally posted by rynoe *
**wow, guess I hit a nerve here
COOL! **
That’s just great, I’m sure wealoon will thank you for that response, it surely explained the effect he wanted. :beam:
Nice meeting you all!
And again I humbly thank you for your help!
I like cheese
Apparently I hurt your feelings elctrongeek, I am sorry!
I mean no harm.
and I apologize.
I will from now on be more sensitive to your sesitiveness!
MMMM, cheese.
Do I sense a spam thread?
Ok, well the basic gist of the effect is this…
Motion tweens on a circle (edited of course to remove the sections) and using the free transform tool to rotate it. you will have to have around 4 keyframes. Each one rotation the clip about 1/4 of the way then tweening to the next.
hahah you’re too kind rynoe and yes I like cheese too. Art combined with science equals great Flash. The sky is blue and the grass is green. :beam:
Thanx for admitting that electrongeek,
I knew you were a REAL flash addict!
*Originally posted by lostinbeta *
you have entirely too much time on your hands
oh yea no problem. hahahaha :beam:
P.S Cheese is good.
Nope, not too much time on my hands man. It is actionscripted.
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