Rotating Menu - Button doesnt work inside MC

This is my first post here and it would be great if I could have your help to solve this little problem:

Flash CS3 | AS2 | Rotating Menu

I’m creating a small animation in which I have a clock-like rotative menu.
I found the code for this in the internet and made some few adjustments (mainly just took somethings I didn’t needed out)

In my file I have 6 circles that are all movieclips that make part of a circular menu that rotates everytime you click on one of the circles.
Those movieclips are not on the stage, only on the library, and are being “pulled” into action by the actionscript.

I need those movieclips to act as menu buttons, so I made a button inside each one of them.

The problem is that the buttons don’t work. They don’t do what they are suppose to (load another movieclip). The solution must be quite simple because it doesn’t make sense not to work, but I’m unable to get it…
In the original file they worked as buttons that linked to an URL but I removed that because I didn’t need it. Just need them to act as normal buttons and play another MC…

Do you have any idea why this happens?
Does it have anything to do with the fact that the circle movieclips that contain the buttons are not actually on the stage?!

I would appreciate your help on this!
Thank you,

Please find all files in attach!
(Note that in MY FILE only the blue circle has to code to play an MC.
I just wanted to show an example so I didn’t finished them all.) |