Buttons inside animated movieclips not working

Hi Guys,

This is my first post although I have been browsing for a long time and getting lots of help from here - thanks!

What I am making is an animated menu panel (movieclip) with about 4 buttons inside it (as movieclips)

I know the reason the buttons are not responding to my script because the movieclip they are in is animated. (I tested this with a static version and the button script works)

How can I make the buttons inside the animated movieclip work is my big question!?

Here is part of my code (the revelant bit) on 1st frame of Root:

// Menu animation script:

    _root.menu_mc.useHandCursor = false;

//Button within menu_mc script:


Please help!!
btw I am using Flash cs3 with AS2 code
Thanks in advance