Hey guyz…
I got the menu to rotate perfect … problem is that it only rotates when your mouse hovers over it ! Just wondering if someone could look at the AS and let us know what I need to do to make it so its contantly rotating.
Cheers Jimmy
Here is the Action Script:
if (pressv != 0)
this.panel = this.panel + pressv;
pressv = pressv * 0.875000;
if (pressv < 0.200000 && pressv > -0.200000)
pressv = 0;
} // end if
} // end if
theta = theta + _parent.speed;
xbit = Math.sin(0.017453 * theta);
ybit = Math.cos(0.017453 * theta);
this._xscale = ybit * this.panel;
this._x = xbit * this.radius;
this._alpha = 0 + (ybit + 0) * 100;
this._yscale = this.panel - 3 + (ybit + 1) * 3;
stack = Math.round((ybit + 1) * radius * 2);
if (stack == 100)
stack = 101;
} // end if