Rotating menu - where do I start?

Thought this menu was kind of interesting, but I have no idea where or how to modify/personalize it. Can someone have a look and give me some guidance. Thanks.



Just go to frame “4” there; you will find a movieclip named “6lados” open it and do what you need…

i think your problem is not actionscript but flashmx…

hope this helps…

I really like that menu, looks really cool. can you tell me where you found the tutorial for it?:cool:

i tooo loved it

I found it on a website about a year ago that was posting a few ideas for flash based menus and it’s been sitting on my harddrive because I have no idea how to modify it. Thought I would pick someone’s brain and see if they could help. All I have is the .fla file. Sorry, but no tutorial was with it. I too wish there was one. And I have no idea what site it came off of. Sorry.
