Rotation and placement "HELP"

OK I have a huge project due by next friday and I am screwed because I dont know how to do Half of the actionscript. I need some tutorials if ANYONE can help I wouldn’t be able to thank you enough.

I know how to drag an object and I have an Idea of how to get it to drop in a specific spot and say “correct” in a textbox.

Now the hard part :

  1. I need to have the dragged movie clip snap back to its original position if it is placed in the incorrect place.

  2. I also need to be able to rotate each movie clip 180 degrees. (upside down or rightside up)

  3. When the MC is placed in the drop zone it needs to check that its in the right place and at the right rotation.

Please forgive me for so many questions. I accepted the job as a designer and now I have been given more actionscript than was in the original job description.

Thank you forever to those who can help. [color=#888888][/color]