Rotation Easing really is getting me down :(

Hey i have another question :smiley:


Everyone knows the standard easing formula

x += (tx - x)/speed;

Well i have MASSIVE problems with this :frowning:

In terms of rotation,

if tx is anywhere from 0 to 179 degrees then the rotation is fine.

If i jump back the other way from 180 to 359 degrees then the rotation goes insane.

It does make sense because of the formula im using it makes sense that it only works in one specific direction but i cant for the life of me work out how to fix it (i have tried for 3 hours)

What im trying to achieve is if a sprites rotation property is 0…

i want to be able to add or minus 50 to that and just have it act in a way that makes sense

0 + 50 = ease clockwise to 50 degrees;
0 - 50 = ease anticlockwise to 310 degrees;

I know things like the Tween class exist and Tweener and mcTween and TweensRUs and Tween9mm packages exist but i really dont understand them because they deal with time intervals and Tweener has no documentation that i am aware off. Mailing lists dont really do it for me…

Any help on this would save me heartache :frowning: