Router DMZ Host

My router has many options in the firmware, but i have no idea what 70% of them mean and do. I just found out about DMZ Host today, and it seems that what it does is forward all port requests to the specified IP address, right?

does that mean that the natural firewall is no longer effective for the DMZ host?

I’m pretty sure it makes you vulnerable. :lol: Bombingpixels could probably lecture you about that.

setting up port forwarding also makes me vulnerable if someone were to come in by those ports too, right?


Don’t bother with those, get a DLINK router, I don’t know if they have it in other brands but DLINK has a great feature called Gaming Mode so I don’t have to open any ports to play my games online… also, MSN Messenger and AIM work perfectly fine and I haven’t opened any ports… DMZ is bad… :stuck_out_tongue:

I recently bought a d-link, how do you turn on gaming mode?

Go into the config panel ( in your browser) and go to Tools >> Misc :slight_smile: