RPG Game, Recruiting Game Team

Well Folks, The fact is I am making an RPG game. I don’t exactly have any proof but I AM FOR REAL. I am A Kathrine Gibbs student in RI, and I have a project in school for a website that I have to post. I decided to make a Website on a game that I had planned for 5 months now, and finally I’m gonna make it happen. The Game is Exclusively for my Website, but also will be Posted on Newgrounds.com . I want to give a story but I need to get people interested in getting involved. There is no money in this, nobody gets paid. It’s Strictly, to me getting the attention of employers. With your help, we can make a great game. I’m not looking for too many people, just maybe 5 members of the DS group. DS stands for Dead Soul, the name of the game. Dead Soul is a more mature RPG, totally serious and bloody. Now I’m Looking for a couple of different people, An animator for the movies in the game. Also some creature designers, anybody good at making Monsters, This is good for you. Special Effects, I need cool looking Spell and Attacking effects. Also I need a sound and/or music programmer/recorder. These and more are needed for my game to work out. If all goes well, When posted on the website and newgrounds, you will be gladly added to the credits and so forth. This can help you when trying to get a job in flash if thats your aim, or to just be recognized for involvement in the best Flash RPG on the web. Again, I am for real. If your interested, post a reply, and I will be back shortly. Thanks Guys, and Newgrounds.com!

im another very interested musician.

i can write and produce the music - however you want it done.
also very interested in the whole design and and animation side of things - although i must admit my skills in this field are minimal ;p

please email me :smiley: ([email protected])


i could help out with almost every thing but the battle system my aim is colossusclone2, or email me at [email protected]