Wanted: rpg programmers

[COLOR=black][FONT=Verdana]Hello Kirupa forum members,[/FONT][/COLOR]

[FONT=Verdana][COLOR=black]I have started a long term project, to build a Flash game entitled Shadowedground ****(working title, as I do not want to give to much of the story away at this stage, when/if your part of this team I will send you much additional info). [/COLOR][/FONT]

[COLOR=black][FONT=Verdana]This Role-Playing Game (RPG) will closely follow the mechanics of games like Diablo (especially the fighting – e.g. no Battle Screen).[/FONT][/COLOR]

[FONT=Verdana][COLOR=black]The setting is unlike most western RPG’s not based on medieval Europe, neither is it a Japanese RPG. [/COLOR][/FONT]

[COLOR=black][FONT=Verdana]The story mostly surrounds one large continent with various tribes and cultures (both native and those coming from abroad). With most tribes living in seclusion from others and treat other clans very wearily. As such, this division of society brings about much resentment and hatred among the different people living here. [/FONT][/COLOR]

[FONT=Verdana][COLOR=black]I recognize that the creation of this game is no easy feat, and there is no immediate payment, however the payoff could be great as I plan to put the game online (char limit on the free version will be level 5, that restriction can be lifted for a fee). The game will also be released on CD (as it is not truly a MMORPG but more akin to a single player story driven RPG). Plans for a JAVA version on mobile phones is also talked about.[/COLOR][/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana][COLOR=black]I will handle the story, world, history, game plans, statistic systems, skill trees and art work/animation (it will be done in 3D). What I am looking for are skilled ActionScripters to give function to this project, for some time I tried to do everything on my own…however in hindsight, I think we all should just stick to what were good at.[/COLOR][/FONT]

[COLOR=black][FONT=Verdana]I’m sorry for not being able to give more of the story or art work away at this time, however if part of the team you will receive it ASAP.[/FONT][/COLOR]

[COLOR=black][FONT=Verdana]If any of you are interested in joining the development team, please contact me at mediocregothboi@gmail.com. With ‘Shadowedground’ as subject line. However I will need to know that you can program, so please send my a flash file showcasing your ActionScripting ****skills in regard to a RPG (think more Diablo than FF):[/FONT][/COLOR]

[COLOR=black][FONT=Verdana]A sample portfolio:[/FONT][/COLOR]

[COLOR=black][FONT=Verdana]Char creation:[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=black][FONT=Times New Roman]- [/FONT][/COLOR][COLOR=black][FONT=Verdana]Choose between male and female.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=black][FONT=Times New Roman]- [/FONT][/COLOR][COLOR=black][FONT=Verdana]Choose between human and elf.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=black][FONT=Times New Roman]- [/FONT][/COLOR][COLOR=black][FONT=Verdana]Choose between barbarian and wizard.[/FONT][/COLOR]

[COLOR=black][FONT=Verdana](Use simple graphics like a circle and a square to differentiate between races, blue and pink to differentiate between sexes)[/FONT][/COLOR]

[FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3]Inventory: [/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3]-[/SIZE] [SIZE=3]Create two weapons (sword and axe) laying on ground that you can pick up and add to inventory.[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3]-[/SIZE] [SIZE=3]Make axe deal more damage than sword.[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3]-[/SIZE] [SIZE=3]Pick up armour (increase rating).[/SIZE][/FONT]

[FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3]Monsters:[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3]-[/SIZE] [SIZE=3]Create at least 2 monsters with different stats (e.g. life and strength).[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3]-[/SIZE] [SIZE=3]Make monsters run towards char when they see him.[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3]-[/SIZE] [SIZE=3]Make monsters attack.[/SIZE][/FONT]

[FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3]Geography:[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3]-[/SIZE] [SIZE=3]Create lava pit/spikes/big boulder in middle of land that you cannot walk through.[/SIZE][/FONT]

[FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3]Stats:[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3]-[/SIZE] [SIZE=3]Create stats for char (str, weapon skill, armour rating, dex).[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3]-[/SIZE] [SIZE=3]Allow char to level up after a few experience points from killing monsters (give 3 skill point to char to add as he like).[/SIZE][/FONT]

[FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3](That’s a sample of the skills I’d like to see, in your portfolio, you could add or subtract as much to the above as you like/time permits. Very simple primitives can be used in this, as I will provide all be artwork for the future. The final game will be in an isometric view, however for yr ease in this portfolio an aerial view may be used)[/SIZE][/FONT]