RTMP vs Progressive Downloads

Hello everyone!

Last week I was obsessed with setting up a Flash Media Server because I was under the impression it was the method used by Youtube-esque sites. Most entries I found suggested it was how they operated.

I set everything up with Red5 and later I tried the official Flash Media Server but both services wouldn’t allow me to move around the video without clearing the buffer. This was extremely disappointing and I thought I had messed up the code.

Anyways, long story short I found out they use a fancy progressive download system with a few tricks so I’ve switched back and integrated as much as I could on my current hosting service. I’ve built support for both methods into my NetStream class (never again).

What I’m wondering is, does anyone know if there’s a way to log keyframe info using a php script instead of a program? Also, does anyone know if I’ve missed the mark? Does RTMP actually support a similar system to Youtube?

I know it’s allot to ask since it’s complicated but any suggestions or guidance is apprecaited. :link: