?'s about internet advertising

Ive been designing websites for a couple of years now and Ive finally
gotten to the point where I cant dodge clients inquiring about how to advertise on the web. Ive had a look at what Google’s had to say and I think bacically its about putting meta tags on your site and also having lots of links
to other sites so that their web crawler can find your site.

My question is besides doing the above or paying Google to be listed what other not too expensive options do I have to get my clients found in a search? Is there a book or a service to get u listed on all search engines???..

Thanks in Advance,

A couple things


So, readers digest version :slight_smile: You’ll still need to do meta tags, and use freewebsubmission there to submit to all possible searchengines. The pagerank should be atleast 3 or 4. Higher the better. They’d have to take care of that themselves by linking to the right websites and having websites link to them.

it may also be worth reading thru stuff on http://www.searchenginewatch.com/resources/article.php/2156511

btw while sorting out good meta tags is the place to start, you can also help this by how you write the content of the page - search engines now don’t just rank stuff according to the metadata, but they’ll look at whether the keywords you specify are actually mentioned in the text of the page, how near the top of the page they are, whether they occur within heading tags like <h1></h1> …in other words, they’re trying to find content that looks like it’s most relevant to the search terms entered.

similarly, links from sites which are popular / credible / reputable resources may be given more weight than links from, say, a dozen free webhosting accounts

all the best
