Saving clickcount?

Hi, I have clickcout on some links in my site. I want to be able to save the results somewhere so when the page is reloaded they can be retreived. How can I do this?



D’you mean the click count of one user or all the users?
For one user you can use sharedObjects(); There’s a tute for this here!
For all the users you must PHP/CGI/etc. And that is way outta my knowledge! well maybe not so much but still… you should talk to Jubba or somebody for this!

[EDIT]Just noticed its in the Flash 5 forum so you cannot use sharedObjects()!!![/EDIT]

Hi Syko

It’s for all users I have a links menu which is a duplicated mc menu and I want the number of clicks stored and re-entered every time anyone enters the site!

I thought it might of had something to do with php :slight_smile: - lets hope Jubba reads this!

