Saving file in fireworks

I saved a file in fireworks… (w= 682 h=179) and when i load it on flash… it was smaller… how can i fix this?

your resolution is off…


how do i fix it/

modify/image size… resolution…


i couldnt find modify/image size… but when i make a new page… it asks for resolution… it says 96… .do i make it 100?

72… if viewed on the web, 72dpi is the most available…

now go to Flash, in preferences, make sure it is set to 72 as well…


how od you view it in flash?

nvm… i didnt check it on flash… but did change res on fireworks to 72 and BAM now it works :slight_smile: thanx rev

bahh… another quesitons… how can you save without background on fireworks?

make background transparent

No problem…

any other FW probs, ask away…

if you save as .gif, look at Optimiztion palette…


that was another question… it wont let me save as anything else…except png… so i used paint to convert it… lol …

dang i miss photoshop :slight_smile:

hah i was stumped with that when I got fireworks. here is what to do:

go to File > Export… then add the filetype you want :slight_smile:

awesome thanx!

Yea no prob. Hehe feels nice to help instead of spam for once :slight_smile:

hmmm how do you get rid of bg again?

um make the background transparent and save as a gif i suppose