I’m having an issue where a MovieClip with a scale9 grid on it isn’t scaling properly. The MC contains some vector elements, and a nested movie clip with some filters on it. If the sectors are laid out this way:
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
Then the nested MC is mostly in 6 but also in 3 and 9.
When I increase the width of the parent clip the nested MC stretches and distorts, even though it shouldn’t. I’ve tried stretching the scale9 grid so the nested MC is entirely in 5, and it still distorts (but in 5 that’s what I expect).
I’ve even tried hiding the nested MC (making it a guide layer), and pasting a vector replacement in its place. That vector replacement ALSO stretches.
I should probably mention that I’m using this as a symbol on a ComboBox component.