For those of you who saw the classic movie “Scarface” and remember the ending…thinking that it would be the end of Tony Montana were wrong. Tony Montana lives in a new videogame that starts off where the movie finishes. You play as Tony Montana 3rd person and come back up from everything you lost and rebuild your power to take down Sosa. I read about it in my issue of EGM. It looks pretty good but movie games dont have a good history (this one isnt rushed though unlike most movie based games) it has a GTA feel to it but you dont run around killing random people…that just isnt Tony (in the movie when he wont kill the mother and 2 kids) Says its coming late 2005? Is it worth the wait?
nah theres a big difference it looks like. Says theres a whole system of talking. one button says something nice and the other mean. depending on what you say changes things. you can talk people to come out from cover where you then shoot them and the things you say determine how your deals go. The screenshots look nice too.
The reason it could be different is because they have all the time to make this game that they want. Thats one reason a movie game will suck but another is that anyone will buy it if they liked the movie just to try it out. Hopefully, they won’t be that stupid and they will make it good and not just bad with the scarface title…
Like you can guess they compare it to GTA:VC A LOT! To tell the truth it pretty much looks just like Vice City. In the game you have to do most of the stuff Tony did in t he movie. Such as watch your brother get killed and so on. Also EGM says that this game says more than it’s fair share of the F word. Me personally I’m actully looking forward to the new Grand Theft Auto…it looks a lot better than Scarface, but hey I might be jumping the gun…