Hi i am new in flash
I have a question
I made a movie using 4 scene’s
Is it posible to make a sequence with the scene’s, without copy the scene’s???
sample: first play scene 1, then scene 2, then scene 1 again, then scene 4, scene 1 again, then scene3 …etc…etc…
(Sorry for my bad english, I am from the netherlands)
Greetings: Forum
You want them to loop over and over? Or just go back thru?
You can always make the last frame in the prior movie a Go To and have it go to Scene 2 - Frame 1… and then repeat thruought the frames.
I do have those 4 scene’s
And i want them to play, in a sequence , what i create…
maybe there is a script or something, where you can programm the sequence of the scene’s
Sample: lets say scene’s are named 1,2,3,4
and i wanna play this sequence order:
i hope you understand…
thnx for help anyway
greetings: >> Forum <<
Just Do Go to the frame Scene whate ever you want it to go!!! So it shall repeat!!!
^Thats what I said in the first place…
Lets say you want the 4 scenes in this sequence.
In the last frame of scene 1, make a Go To and put in Scene 3, then in the last frame of Scene 3, put a Go To to Scene 4…and so forth… its not hard