We got this project in school, we must create a fully newspaper with minimum 6 pages “A4”.
I do have photoshop 7 for the imaging. but Word is realy not a good program for the job. I have Page Plus. Is it better or what program is the best for this job ?
yeah, pagemaker is a great program for layouts such as newspapers, but it probably won’t look as nice as if you did it in photoshop. You could do it in something like Freworks MX, that’s excellent for layouts
*Originally posted by asphaltcowboy *
**yeah, pagemaker is a great program for layouts such as newspapers, but it probably won’t look as nice as if you did it in photoshop. You could do it in something like Freworks MX, that’s excellent for layouts **
there are many nice programs out there and illustrator + pagemaker + photoshop is one great combination imo (notice: i didnt worked so far with pagemaker but a friend of mine works with it daily in a newspaperagency) (-:
well you lucky this is gonna be a real successful project, just make sure that the teach has the proper programs , I learn that the very hard way by making a full flash cartoon that took me over 2 months to make just for my teacher to give me big fat zero.