
hey. we got our shops today at school and i was wondering what Boolean Algebra is. i heared that it deals alot with 1 and 0 but thats all i heared. im also going to be learning —
Grade 9 71H1 Exploring Computer Occupations
70H1 Computer Applications I
60H1 Technical Writing
61H1 Boolean Algebra

Grade 10 70H2 Computer Applications II/Web Design
70T2 Digital Electronics
60H2 Programming Concepts
61H2 PC Operating Systems

Grade 11 70H3 Windows 2000 Essentials
71H3 C++ Programming Lab
72H3 PC Repair
60H3 C++ Programming
61H3 Computer Repair Theory
62H3 Help Desk Essentials

Grade 12 70H4 Networking
71H4 SQL/Database Lab
72H4 Advanced Web Design
60H4 Java Programming
61H4 Fundamentals of Communications
62H4 Database Design/SQL

soon i will be answering all of your questions. haha that will be the day.

1st: Some poop in there you could weed out.
2nd: What grade you in?


So is that for High School next year?

im in high school but im going into this shop thursday

man Id kill for all that in high school.

woohoo!! It’s about time you answer you own question cause you’ve stumped me many times with your vague questions. hahaha =)

i really cant stand going to class. my biology teacher is sooo boring:sleep: i fell asleep in there a couple of times. my english teache is worse. thats why i cant wait untill i get back to shop:beam:

So this is seperate from school?

*Originally posted by senocular *
**man Id kill for all that in high school. **

woah yeah, that’s damn so much! Grade 11, 12 etc…

nope its a vocational school. 2 weeks of shop, 2 weeks of class

Yea, Lame our school had only a networking course, but it was collage credit.

my high school had a half-half-semester (1/8 a year) intro to BASIC. It blew. :-\

ouch.:trout: i couldnt deal with class all year. i would go insain.

My school didn’t have any computer classes. I came from a farming school. :frowning: Kids drove their tractors to school…it was pathetic…

My Hi School had a “terminal” which was a big green typwriter like thing with a rather large yellow roll of paper on the back. It was hooked up to the Univ. 3.5 hours away.

You had to punch each letter (touch typing was def out), and when you did the “Daisy Wheel” spun and hit the ribbon, making a mark on the yellow paper.

So you punch, tuka tuka tuka, wait for a response, tuka tuka tuka, rip off the paper and try to read the faded charachters…All of this happened over a period of time, since it took an average of 10 min for the info to travel, do what you wanted it to, then travel back…

There were 5 terminals in the State, my Hi Sch had 1… 5 kids got to learn how to make it spit stuff out… all done in basic…

25 years ago…


wow Rev, that lil tid bit just made me appreciate my computer a lot more!! :o

well at my school we have a c++ programming course (for grade 10), and we have a two-semister program where you study the CISCO curriculum and get certified by cisco as a CCNA by the time you graduate from high school… unfortunately though, none of these courses fit in my schedule, as im going into an 8-semister long robotics/manufacturing/electronics program next year (grade 11), in a city thats like 45 minutes away from where i live… i get to work for the ford company too =) … bet its gonna be fun :slight_smile: :bounce:

*Originally posted by electrongeek *
**wow Rev, that lil tid bit just made me appreciate my computer a lot more!! :o **

and we thought it was sooooo cool. I mean this thing typed by itself! abzoid will back me up on this (he was 2 yrs ahead of me in school)… We used to play chess on it… that and Star Trek (printed out on that yellow paper in symbols)…

my first modem was 9600 baud, a black box with cups for the handset of the phone… 1993


Our school has many computers and many computer classes. Its pretty cool (even though most of the computers are slow as crap and people mistreat them so much).

computer applications (required to graduate and for all other computer classes)

visual basic
business computer applications
desktop publishing

internet publishing 1 (a programming class required for this).
ap computer science (c++ required)
desktop publishing 2 (imagine whats required)

internet publishing 2

Of course you could take c++ youre 11th or 12th grade years, but these are just the earliest you can take the classes, unless you exempt out of a year or 2 of stuff. Pretty much all the classes except AP CS are just free time where we play games though. Especially IP 2 where we’ve done about 4 hours of work the entire year. And 3 of those hours are just the teacher making up crap for us to do to make it so the class won’t be a total waste.