Scope & ENTER_FRAME questions

Okay, a LOT of the problems I’ve been having resulted from me not understanding scope, so now I’ve got some scope questions for ya to help clarify.

HOW can I have a value shared between multiple classes? For example.

 public var test:int = 3; 

This works fine for the “main” class, but in the “animal” class, it can’t access this variable. So if I wanted to set a rate of movement for an object, say animal, and I want to change it later in a different function, well, how? Any good guides to passing variables between functions and classes that are easy to understand?

HOW can I pass values to ENTER_FRAME events, err…any events really. Example.

     public class animal extends MovieClip{
         public function animal(){
                trace('crazy stuff happening');
                this.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, aniMove)
         public function aniMove(evt:Event){
                this.y ++;


Lets say I wanted to pass the Y value from the main class and not from within the animal function.