Scope troubles?

I’m having some problems doing some simple tasks in oop actionscript. The following code seems logical to me, but it doesn’t work. Is there a problem with the way that I am “trying” to use the this keyword.

Okay…to clarify.

  1. I create a Category object.
  2. I try to access the object’s properties via accessor methods.

At step 2, the subjects array is filled with undefined(ie. subjects[0] == undefined). Is there something I’m missing in my logic? I know that inside of the nested onLoad function the serverside page is being contacted and it returns the correct values into getVars. If I perform a getVars.toString, it looks fine. Sorry if this question is unclear… :s This is just a really simple task that I can’t get working.

                                        [left]class Category {[/left]
       [left]	private var category:String;[/left]
       [left]	private var subjects:Array;[/left]
       [left]	public function Category(category:String) {[/left]
       [left]	 this.category = category;[/left]
       [left]	 load();[/left]
    [left]	public function getSubjects(category:String):Array {[/left]
       [left]	 return this.subjects;[/left]

    [left]	public function load():Void {[/left]
       [left]	 var thisRef:Category = this;[/left]
       [left]	 var setVars:LoadVars = new LoadVars();[/left]
       [left]	 var getVars:LoadVars = new LoadVars();[/left]
       [left]	 // stop browser from returning cached results[/left]
       [left]	 setVars.cacheKiller = new Date().getTime();[/left]
       [left]	 setVars.category = category;[/left]
       [left]	 getVars.onLoad = function(success) {[/left]
       [left]	  if (success) {[/left]
       [left]	   thisRef.subjects.push(getVars.subject1);[/left]
       [left]	   thisRef.subjects[1] = getVars.subject2;[/left]
       [left]	   thisRef.subjects[2] = getVars.subject3;[/left]
       [left]	   thisRef.subjects[3] = getVars.subject4;[/left]


    [left]	 setVars.sendAndLoad("getSubjects.aspx", getVars, "GET");[/left]