Score board for BlackJack Game Points trouble

[h=2]Score board for BlackJack Game Points trouble.[/h] [INDENT] I am creating a blackjack game and almost have it all figured out besides the scoreboard. When I win the game it adds the 25 points and when I loose it subtracts the 25 points from the starting score = 200. The problem is that if you win multiple times in a row or lose multiple times in a row the score doesn’t keep adding up. It only adds or subtracts the score once. I tried using a boolean code but can’t get it to work right. Now I am using this set up. Any Ideas??

var playerMoney:Number;

function showScore():void
player_txt.text = "Player: " + playerMoney;

function initializeGame():void
playerMoney = 200;

function checkWin():void
var tempCard:MovieClip;
playerScore = calculateScore(playerCards);
if(playerScore <= 21 && message_txt.text == “”)
dealerScore = calculateScore(dealerCards,true);

for(var i:uint = 0; i &lt; dealerCards.length; i++)
	tempCard = MovieClip(dealerContainer.getChildAt(i));

if(playerScore == dealerScore)
	message_txt.appendText("It's a tie!");
else if(playerScore &lt;= 21 && (playerScore &gt;= dealerScore || dealerScore &gt; 21))
	message_txt.appendText("Player Wins!");
	playerMoney +=25;
	message_txt.appendText("Dealer Wins!");
	playerMoney -=25;

hit_btn.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, hitMe);
stay_btn.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, stay);
deal_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, startGame);
