Score board w/ MX & PHP [renamed]

well i just finished a game you can preview it at and i was curios if there was a way to add a high score table, using flash…ideally when you finish, if you get a good score it will bring you to a page where it asks to enter your name, then you enter it and it goes to the highscore table, but i want this to be so the highscores show up everywhere…like…multiplayer i guess…if i cant do all this in actionscript is there a relativley easy way to do it in php?

actually all i need is a top three…not really a whole table

Can’t see the current implementation of the project from work, but you could simply have flash change a server-side TXT file, and then have it display the 3, or 10, or whatever highest scores. If you look in the tutorials on Kirupa for the one of loading variables from another source, you should be able to go from there.

alright, i know what ya mean now, but how do i make it so the best score shows up on the text file, like is there a code in flash that edits a text file?

You need a server-side script to write TXT files, such as PHP. Flash then sends the info to PHP, and PHP writes that info to a text file.

heh…sounds confusing…and me not knowing any php hardly helps

if you have a host that supports php and mysql then you should be able to use one of the tutorials on for a highscore table.
i used it for my game,

Hmm… I thought Flash could save to TXT files… perhaps I’m thinking of something else, or mabee it only works if you’re not trying to use it through HTTP connections…

FLash could only save to text-files locally thru an undocumented fscommand but was removed due to security issues. You need a server-side script to save the variables to a text-file…

search google for “PHP write text flash” without the quotes and you should find something…

I can see the possibility for security problems with that… heh heh. I haven’t really tried messing with that type of thing since Flash 4/5…

*Originally posted by SeiferTim *
**Hmm… I thought Flash could save to TXT files… perhaps I’m thinking of something else, or mabee it only works if you’re not trying to use it through HTTP connections… **

Thats pretty much what i need i think, if i could save to a text file and then arrange the number starting at the highest…but like you said…maybe your thinking of somthing else…