Score not displaying?

Hi again guys,

Sorry to post another thread. I’m followings tutorials on displaying/updating score etc. But for some reason my scores and lives are not displaying? My score textfield is “_score” and my lives textfield is “_lives”. Code is as follows:

public class Main extends MovieClip
    //Declare properties
    public var score:uint;
    public var lives:uint;
    public var _ball:ball;
    public const GRAVITY:Number = 2;
    public const BOUNCE_FACTOR:Number = 0.8;
    public const HIT_FORCE:Number = 20;
    private var _vx:Number;
    private var _vy:Number;
    public function Main()


    private function init():void
        //initialise properties
        score = 0;
        lives = 5;
        //update score/lives
        _score.text = score.toString();
        _lives.text = lives.toString();

Any suggestions?
