Screen shot possible?


I was wondering if it’s possible from flash to take a screen shot of the flash window itself… in order for the user to be able to send back his screen shot to the autor of the web site…
seems impossible to me but maybe some gurus will have the answer 8]


Impossible, unfortunately. Maybe in Flash GT :sure:

director can, though, as ilyaslamasse pointed out, flash cannot. If you have the option between the two and need that capability, it might be one to consider.

thanks a lot guys!

Just ranting… :sleep:

How come Director has Xtra support and Flash doesn’t??? That makes me :angry: and :-\ and :bad:…

I gave the user instructions on using printscreen and pasting into Wordpad, then emailing…

That is the quickest way I’m afraid…

Please, if you find an easier way, let me know…


…cyanblue: because the Flashplayer has to be kept very small (the most d/l software ever)…