sorry for the horrible wording. I know there is a way of telling a movie clip withen an entire .swf file not to follow the 100% window width/height that is applied. how so?
sorry for the horrible wording. I know there is a way of telling a movie clip withen an entire .swf file not to follow the 100% window width/height that is applied. how so?
Like at ?
if so you could try something like this, create a movie clip that contains the contents that will be left as being resizable (lets say this is named resizable_mc) then at the start of your movie you can use,
Stage.scaleMode = “noScale”;
Stage.align = “LT”;
this.resizable_mc._width = Stage.width;
this.resizable_mc._height = Stage.height;
this.resizable_mc._x = this.resizable_mc._y = 0;
this.resizable_mc.onResize = function() {
this._width = Stage.width;
this._height = Stage.height;
When you publish the movie at 100% by 100% the contents of this clip will resize as the stage resizes but the other content will remain the same size.
Welcome catbert303 :love:
i’ve been lurking here way too long without posting anything
thanks alot
It’s about time
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