Script help please!

i have my loaded .swf buttons loading ‘movie1’ and ‘movie2’. both ‘movie1’ and ‘movie2’ have a tween in frames 1-5, which is a box that slides open and is stopped. in frames 6-10 the box slides backwards in the opposite and dissapears.

i would like it if ‘movie1’ is open and the user clicks the button for ‘movie2’, ‘movie1’ plays 6-10 and then loades ‘movie2’ and vice versa. i just don’t a script for this function…can someone help me? i attached the files to this post.


what you need to do is in you button to play movie2 have:

Then in the last frame of movie one have:

or something like that. Sorry, I’m too lazy to download your .fla and its best If ya learn yaself

why dont you just have the movies in the same file as your buttons?

the example i am giving you is just a quick mock up. the site that i am working on is huge and loading external files is a big help. is there any hope?
