ok ive tried uploading this before, but the file was to big, so i took out some **** to lighten it up. now the scroll bar is were i want it to be, and ive been trying to edit the x and y code, but cant seem to get it right. so i was wondering if one of ya could take a look at it and tell me wut im doing wrong. thx!
ive posted a few questions on this board, and hardly ANY GET ANWSERED…DO I HAVE SOME KINDA INTERNET AIDS, CANT TALK TO ME BECUASE U MIGHT GET INFECTED? wtf! ive posted on how to fix my problem 2 or 3 times… i even included the fla… and i still dont get a ****ing reply! But oh oh, the other guy that was having the same problem that i have got anwsered right away, he included a nice fla, and everyone was just so happy to help him. Wow it must be nice, CAUSE THIS ****ING SUCKS! cant i get a LITTLE help here, just a ****ing little, its not like im on here all day annoying the **** outa u guys. I have one in problem and u blow me off. whatever, this is bull!
have u seen how many other infinte menu problems there are out there…and how everyone gets anwsered, except for ME!!!
and dont tell me im not getting help because of the way ive been acting, because i was as nice as can be. Ive asked like 3 times for someone to take a quick look and tell me wut im doing wrong, but does anyone help??? NO!@
calm down dude, now what is the problem i took a look at the fla and seen the loop problem, which is explained in the tut how to fix that so whta is wrong now?
yea man, calm down, its not that big of a deal. And if other people had problems with it, read through their post and see if thay ran into the same problem. No need to flip out like you just did. …
omfg…im…aosdufiasdf…i dont even kno wtf to say…yet i told u i asked this question about 4 times in the NICES WAY POSSIBLE! NO ONE AWNSERS ME! THe only way i actually got ur attention was by flipping out! so now that i HAVE UR ATTETION, i need help with the x and y position, as u can see it doesnt loop perfectly, it kinda jumps. And i think someon was saying it was bcause the x and y position, but i cant seem to get the right mesurments to fix that…so help plz?
usally if i have a problem, i would download the source .fla
i am no go at this kind of stuff
*Originally posted by Alex *
**usally if i have a problem, i would download the source .fla
i am no go at this kind of stuff **
already have…tahts not my problem… see the size of the file is set to the code that it has… my size is different and i need adjustments to make it run right. Thers someone on this forum that helped someon with the exact question, i dont remember who it was but ikno hes in here somewere. i asked him if there was some kinda formula i could use to adjust this, but no awnser, so i aksed if someone could dl it and tell me wut it should be…o well
run a search, it should be there.
no…u see… he didnt give me the forumula to change teh x and y posistions, the time i aksed him he didnt awnser, ive IMed him, no awnser, so i was wondering if someone esle out there knos how to do this, or can just take the fla and do it for me…not that hard… just someone who can spare 30 seconds of there life…
hi TIU! try this one…
[AS]onClipEvent (load) {
xcenter = 597.5; //=(mask width)/2+mask._x
speed = 2/10;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
var distance = _root._xmouse-xcenter;
_x += (distance*speed);
if (_x>475) {
_x = 120;
if (_x<120) {
_x = 475;
xcenter = 597.5 = (mask width)/2+mask._x
xcenter = 597.5 = 245/2+475;
475 = x of mask (rightmost)
120= x of mask (lefttmost)
considering your mask has a width=245, x=475.0
in your case:
[AS]onClipEvent (load) {
xcenter = 593.8;
speed = 2/10;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
var distance = _root._xmouse-xcenter;
_x += (distance*speed);
if (_x>476.8) {
_x =119.7;
if (_x<119.7) {
_x = 476.8;
xcenter = 593.8 = (mask width)/2+mask._x
xcenter = 593.8 = 243/2+476.8;
please be considerate… you don’t have to do that to catch someones attention… not at all times pipol here got the time to jump on all questions…
ahh ic, very cool, well thx noxious for taking the time out an explaining to me how to do it… thx man!
and yes i kno, i went about it the wrong way, im sorry, ill do beter next time
sure! no prob at all! =)