Scroll bar in MX2004?

quick question here:
i’m making a simple scrolling textbox via MX2004. but i’m following the MX textscroller tut and the problem is that, as i found out, MX 2004 doesn’t have the scroll bar component that you drop onto the textbox you made as the tutorial instructions indicate. or does it?
i suppose i’m asking that if it doesn’t, what do i do to substitute?

thanks in advance!

yea i just ran into this problem myself, i don’t see it anywhere, ugh

you can download the extension from Macromedia Exchange called Flash MX Components

where does one go about finding that?
Thats a huge site…a spicific location there would rock and roll \m/


it’s a great resource, very important to know how to navigate it and find stuff… do a search in the exchanges for: Flash MX Components for Flash MX 2004, V1.5.0 or filename: FlashMXUIComponents1.mxp

The update for flash mx 2004 v7.2 brought back the scrolling textbox component

The text area component was to replace the scrollbar (its basically a textfield with scrollbars wrapped up as one). By popular demand, as edskey pointed out, it was brought back in the 7.2 update.

thanks a lot guys times 10 times 10, this works, ciao

ditto…much appreciated1

You can use ScrollPane too. if you dont mind about the file size. FMX 7.2 update has UIScrollBar.

is there anyway to change what the scroller looks like besides for the tint and alpha channel? like it’s graphics…i would assume no, but it don’t hurt to ask

look in your library, in the “Flash UI Components” folder, then in “Component Skins” folder, then <well for me anyways, depends on the version> the “FScrollbar Skins” folder… and edit to your hearts content… <bad pun>

hi! thanks to this thread i finally got a scroll bar working… i was wondering… how to set an defined area like a text box where you can have images and text in one?(that can be scrolled of course! thanks in advance

i still cant figure out exactly how to do this. i use the UIscrollbar, and drag it on top of the text box, but it doesnt work. am i supposed to do it in a more complicated way?