I have a scroll that I want to put buttons on (up and down). Right now the code works to scroll the text, but I cannot get my buttons working to scroll the text up and down as well. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Heres the code
onClipEvent (load) {
scrolling = 0;
buttonSize = 0;
viewHeight = _parent.scroll_bg._height;
viewWidth = _parent.scroll_bg._x;
scrollContent = _parent.for_text;
heightCorect = false;
mouseWheelHitTest = true;
wheelStep = 1;
pageStep = 30;
pageStep2 = 10;
pageDelay = 200;
arroyStep = 10;
arroyStep2 = 0.5;
arroyDelay = 3;
speedDec = 0.650000;
scrollStep = _parent.speed;
_x = scrollContent._x+viewWidth;
_y = scrollContent._y;
dragButtonIsDraging = false;
scrollPos = 0;
upButton._y = 0;
pageUpButton._x = 0;
pageDownButton._x = 0;
contentHeight = heightCorect ? (scrollContent.height) : (scrollContent._height);
scrollHeight = viewHeight-buttonSize*2;
dragButtonHeight = viewHeight<contentHeight ? (viewHeight*scrollHeight/contentHeight) : (scrollHeight);
dragButton._yscale = dragButtonHeight;
dragButton._y = buttonSize;
downButton._y = buttonSize+scrollHeight;
blanckDown._y = downButton._y;
blanckUp._x = 0;
blanckUp._y = 0;
blanck._x = 0;
blanck._y = buttonSize;
blanckDown._x = 0;
pageUpButton._y = buttonSize;
blanck._height = scrollHeight;
blanckUp._visible = viewHeight<contentHeight ? (false) : (true);
blanck._visible = viewHeight<contentHeight ? (false) : (true);
blanckDown._visible = viewHeight<contentHeight ? (false) : (true);
upButton._visible = viewHeight<contentHeight ? (true) : (false);
dragButton._visible = viewHeight<contentHeight ? (true) : (false);
downButton._visible = viewHeight<contentHeight ? (true) : (false);
_parent.drag._visible = viewHeight<contentHeight ? (true) : (false);
_parent.down._visible = viewHeight<contentHeight ? (true) : (false);
mouseListener = new Object();
mouseListener.onMouseWheel = function(delta) {
if (!mouseWheelHitTest || scrollContent.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, false) || hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, false)) {
dragButton._y = dragButton._y-delta*wheelStep;
if (dragButton._y<buttonSize) {
dragButton._y = buttonSize;
if (dragButton._y>buttonSize+scrollHeight-dragButtonHeight) {
dragButton._y = buttonSize+scrollHeight-dragButtonHeight;
curY = -scrollContent._y;
vY = 0;
mask = scrollContent._parent.createEmptyMovieClip("mask", scrollContent._parent.getNextHighestDepth());
with (mask) {
beginFill(255, 50);
lineStyle(0, 16711935, 100);
moveTo(scrollContent._x, scrollContent._y);
lineTo(scrollContent._x+viewWidth, scrollContent._y);
lineTo(scrollContent._x+viewWidth, scrollContent._y+viewHeight+10);
lineTo(scrollContent._x, scrollContent._y+viewHeight+10);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
blanckUp._visible = viewHeight<contentHeight ? (false) : (true);
blanck._visible = viewHeight<contentHeight ? (false) : (true);
blanckDown._visible = viewHeight<contentHeight ? (false) : (true);
upButton._visible = viewHeight<contentHeight ? (true) : (false);
dragButton._visible = viewHeight<contentHeight ? (true) : (false);
downButton._visible = viewHeight<contentHeight ? (true) : (false);
_parent.drag._visible = viewHeight<contentHeight ? (true) : (false);
_parent.down._visible = viewHeight<contentHeight ? (true) : (false);
_parent.scroll_bg._visible = viewHeight<contentHeight ? (true) : (false);
if (incDelay<0) {
dragButton._y = dragButton._y-inc;
if (dragButton._y<buttonSize) {
dragButton._y = buttonSize;
if (dragButton._y>buttonSize+scrollHeight-dragButtonHeight) {
dragButton._y = buttonSize+scrollHeight-dragButtonHeight;
contentHeight = heightCorect ? (scrollContent.height) : (scrollContent._height);
scrollHeight = viewHeight-buttonSize*2;
dragButtonHeight = viewHeight<contentHeight ? (viewHeight*scrollHeight/contentHeight) : (scrollHeight);
dragButton._yscale = dragButtonHeight;
downButton._y = buttonSize+scrollHeight;
pageDownButton._y = dragButton._y+dragButtonHeight;
pageDownButton._yscale = scrollHeight-dragButtonHeight-dragButton._y+buttonSize-scrollPos;
pageUpButton._yscale = dragButton._y-buttonSize;
if (dragButtonIsDraging) {
startDrag(dragButton, false, 0, buttonSize, 0, buttonSize+scrollHeight-dragButtonHeight+1);
if (dragButton._y>buttonSize+scrollHeight-dragButtonHeight) {
dragButton._y = buttonSize+scrollHeight-dragButtonHeight;
newY = (dragButton._y-buttonSize)/dragButtonHeight*viewHeight;
vY = vY+(curY-newY)/scrollStep;
vY = vY*speedDec;
curY = curY-vY;
scrollContent._y = Math.floor(-curY+_y);
What do I need to put in the action script of the buttons to get this working? Thanks