Scroll MovieClip through Mouse Scroll

Hi Friend,
I have just wrote a code for vertical scroll of image through mouse scrolling…
It works… but It works only after click on the image or inner space of the window… How i overcome this problem…
My code is Here…

var obj:Object = new Object(img);
var over:Boolean = false;
var lim:Number = 0 - (img._height - Stage.height);

onEnterFrame = function()
img.onRollOver = function()
over = true;
img.onRollOut = function()
over = false;

obj.onMouseWheel = function(delta)
if(img._y <= 0 && img._y >= lim)

		img._y += 10 * delta;
		if(img._y &gt; 0)
			img._y = 0;
		if(img._y &lt; lim)
			 img._y = lim;


Any friend help me…
Thanks in advance…:thumb2: