Scrollable movie and how to load swfs while another movie is playing

Well im trying to make this and have no succes i suck when it comes to scripting i just know a a few scritps from flash 5 but mx is diffrent, anyways, can i achive this effect with the scroll pane component? what the hell is the scroll pane used for anyways? Well i saw a tut on flashkit but all it did was confuse me even more, now on to my other problem how can i have lest say my animation running and while that animation is running its loading my next animation and when its loadedit will just wait for a button to be clicked and then it will play?? i know how to load swfs on a button click, but i want it to load lets say from the first frame of my movie while the movie is playing, any help is apreciated thanks for all your help


anyone know how this can be done???


In the frame that you want the movie to load :

loadMovie("**yourSWFhere.swf**", "_root.**yourPlaceholderMC**");

When that frame is loaded, and played, that will load your movie into your mc that that has the instance name “yourPlaceholderMC”.

Just rename the parts that are in bold above, to fit your files.

you misunderstood me sorry, what i meant is to load a swf while the movie is loading so it will load in the background and it wont be viewable until a button is pressed, i know how to load swf into empty movie clips thats not my problem but thankx anyways pal :beam:




Just have your main movie. In that you have your button. It says something like :

on (release){
_root.placeholderMC.gotoAndPlay("frame 3");

In that movie that is being loaded into your place holder, ( i was saying frame three assuming you have a preloader in frames 1 and 2) after the preloader, just have it stop. so that it is completely blank and you can’t see it until you start frame 3… hence the button actions above.

ok lets say i have my main movie which is lets say 30kb and while this movie is playing i want it to load another swf into a target movie clip but the loaded movie wont play until i press the button but its already loaded, if you want i can post the fla but i can do that tonight cause im at work right now and dont have it


Ok… I spent absolutely NO time on this, did EXACTLY what i had told YOU to do above, and it works great.

I am uploading a .zip fle with the .fla for the main movie i made as well as the compiled .swf of it as well. there is also the ‘loaded’ movie (named ‘insert’) that has the .fla and .swf coming in it too!

It all works fine… and just take a look at the code. It is just what I told ya earlier.