Ok, this has been killing me now for a week and I figured since this site rocks and I’m here daily I might as well ask you guys!
Alright, I have a Dynamic textbox that loads text from an external file. I created buttons to scroll the type up and down based on a tutorial I read. There is a “controller” movie clip that has this code:
if (_root.up) {
_root.text.scroll += 1;
} else if (_root.down) {
_root.text.scroll -= 1;
Here is the code for the Down button:
onClipEvent ( enterFrame ) {
if (lMouseover) {
_root.text.scroll += 1;
Now this works great when it’s tested, but if I create a new, seperate movie and try to load that .swf into it (here’s the code):
on (release){
loadMovie (“fmakers.swf” , “nested”);
the scroll arrows no longer work. This goes for any tutorial I find online. They all work until they are loaded into another movie. I’m not sure where I have to fix the code but I think it might be in the _root.text part.
Please help. I’ll be ever greatful!