In the tutorial it says that when you drag the UIScrollBar component onto the text field that the scrollbar will automatically resize to fit the height or length of the text area.
Mine does not do this. I need to manually move and resize the scrollbar itself.
I am using Flash MX Pro 2004.
In the component window, the item is now called UIScrollBar under the UI Components list.
Any ideas?
I’ve tried dragging the scrollbar component directly into the middle of the text area, dragging to the top, bottom and sides of the text area and so on…but it’s always nothing. I have to move the scrollbar manually and then resize it as well.
It’s not a big deal, but it’d knock a few steps off of the process to use it like everyone else and have it work automatically LOL.
if you’re using the UIScrollBar on an input or dynaimc textfield instance (and not for example a movieclip containing it) then it should work. Other than that I have no idea why it wouldnt.