Scrollbar control of Movieclip

I have a movie clip containing 20 frames. There is an image in frame 1 that is on the left of the stage. Another keyframe on frame 10 contain the same image on the middle and on frame 20 another keyframe containing the same image on the right of the stage. There is a stop action in frame 1 and 20. When the movieclip loads it goes to frame 10 (image on the middle).
I have a horizontal scrollbar that I want to control the movement of the images. When I scroll to right the image should go to the left. When I scroll to the left the image should go to the right. The movieclip contains a tweening between the images. How I control the movement of these images with the scroolbar. I appreciate help!!

Here you go, have a look at this file.


Thank you Adam

You’re welcome :wink: