I’ve got a few swf files that I would like to load into another swf (index.swf). The problem I have is that they have different sizes, some would fit in a 800x600 window while others could need 800x1500. Letting index.swf be 800x1500 would make all content visible, but the ones with very little content would look like **** because there would be no content when the viewer scroll down (browser scrolling that is…).
So what I need is to put a scroller in my index file so that that one would let viewers scroll when needed.
I’ve been searching (a lot) and most stuff is about simple text scrolling and similar stuff. When I managed to find something that seemed to be what I needed, then it was so technical that you would have to be an expert in order to follow the steps…
Do you know where I can find an easy to follow tutorial on this or (even better) maybe just a fully functional fla file that I could modify myself? (please be gentle, I’m a beginner…)